Title Narkotinių psichotropinių vaistų vartojimas be gydytojų paskyrimo /
Translation of Title The use of narcotic, psychotropic drugs without doctor’s prescription.
Authors Maniušienė, Romualda
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Pages 64
Abstract [eng] The Use of Narcotic, Psychotropic Drugs without Doctor’s Prescription The aim of the research – to establish the use of narcotic psychotropic drugs without medical prescription. Tasks of the research: To analyze concept of narcotic and psychotropic drugs and their effects, to establish the use of narcotic psychotropic drugs without medical prescription, to find out the reasons for the use of narcotic psychotropic drugs without medical prescription; to find out purchase methods of narcotic psychotropic drugs and propose prevention measures to reduce the use of medicines without a doctor's prescription. The method of the research. The study was conducted in two stages. The chosen method of analysis – a survey. It consisted of 20 questions. The first phase was the survey online and in writing. Questionnaires were distributed via the Internet (social network Facebook, e. Mail). The paper questionnaires were spread in Vilnius in public places and offices. The second stage – the analysis and interpretation of survey findings, systematized respodent‘s answers, conclusions. Useing the mothod of descriptive statistics statistical characteristics were calculated: total number of respondents. The research results and conclusions. The results showed that the narcotic and psychotropic (sleeping pills and (or) sedative) drugs at some point of their life,without a doctor's prescription,were used by 19 % of the respondents. Inboth cases, that is with and without doctor prescription, these drugs were used by 31 % of respondents. 27 % reported that they have never used these drugs. The reasons for the use of narcotic and psychotropic medicines respondents named: insomnia, anxiety, stress and pain. 25 % of the respondents used this medecine because of insomia, 33 % – because of anxiety, stress, 26 % – because of tension, 16 % indicated other reasons, mostly – pain. A high 39 % of survey respondents indicated that they have purchased the narcotic and psychotropic medicines without a doctor's prescription. Of these, 18 % purchased from their acquaintances, friends, 16 % – purchased online, 3 % – bought in a pharmacy without a prescription, and 2 % of the respondents purchased medicine on the market or from unknown person.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017