Title Lietuvos-Baltarusijos sienos kaitos po II pasaulinio karo kartografinė analizė /
Translation of Title Cartographic analysis of changes of lithuania-belarus border since the world war two.
Authors Jurgelevičiūtė, Ramunė
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Pages 53
Abstract [eng] Country border – „a line and a vertival surface that goes along this line, defining the boundaries of the land , the earth's crust , air space, internal waters , territorial sea and its depths of Lithuania Republic“ (www.pasienis.lt), This paper analyzes the longest boundary , currently equal to 678.8 km, with Belarus after the Second World War. This is the period when Lithuania was occupied by the Soviet Union and border demarcation has been in many cases made through unstable objects as rural roads, changing their configuration each year. This is a work without an analog in Lithuania, which aims - to analyze Lithuania - Belarus border changes after World War II , and the results can be presented to interested institutions official websites such as the National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture for various specialist circle and just people who interested in the state border changes . Work used three data groups ( references , topographic maps and GDR10LT ) using ArcGIS software to determine the border length and Lithuania area changes , the results of mapping has been used in three graphic techniques ( one static map, static mapping sequence and animation) . The work consists of an introduction , two chapters, conclusions, references , abstracts in Lithuanian and English. The paper reviews the concept of the state border , Lithuania - Belarus border change after the Second World War , objects varying in time shown on the map as well as different advantages and disadvantages of graphical methods. The length and area developments after the Second World War of Lithuania are examined according to the 4 distinguished periods and 6 districts combining Lazdijai with Druskininkai and Ignalina with Zarasai districts. The analysis showed that during the investigation period, the length of the state border has increased, but the Lithuanian area decreased. The analysis of each district major territorial changes showed that the majority of analysed changes took place in Šalčininkai district, but after the Second World War in the area loss is the least, while in Švenčionys area Lithuania area decreased most. According to the quantities and sizes of the changes itwas determined that the state border at the Vilnius region was most stable. Displaying the results obtained by three different graphic methods sources found that due to their relatively small size the state border changes are best visible through the animated map showing every area of separation on the map, but in order for information to be better absorbed a static map must be used and the animation must be made repeating or at least minimally interactive.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2016