Abstract [eng] |
Desecuritization of Energy Security of Lithuania This master thesis presents an analysis of the process of desecuritization of the issues of Lithuanian energy sector. In accordance with securitization theory, the formation and change of the meaning of energy security as a security problem and as a priority in the security agenda in the political discourse is investigated. Following the statement in the academic literature that energy is a security issue and upholding the assumption that energy sector of Lithuania was recently securitized, a few questions can be raised: why the issues of Lithuanian energy sector were presented as security issues and how securitization was put into effect? At the same time the main question of this research is how the issues of Lithuanian energy sector can be desecuritized? The subject of this research is the process of desecuritization of the issues of Lithuanian energy sector. The main aim of this research is to reveal and to assess the key features of the process of desecuritization of the issues of Lithuanian energy sector. In order to achieve this aim, the main tasks are as follows: to discuss the main features of securitization theory and assumptions for the study of desecuritization; to analyse the conditions and characteristics of the process of securitization of the issues of Lithuanian energy sector; to explore the signs of the process of desecuritization of the issues of Lithuanian energy sector in the political discourse of energy security; to identify the conditions and factors influencing desecuritization of the issues of Lithuanian energy sector. The main findings of this research are as follows. First, an issue becomes a security issue when securitizing actor presents it as an existential threat and obtains approval of the audience to use any means to overcome this threat. The complementary normative aspect of the theory draws attention to the meaning and moral rightness of securitization. The main assumptions for the study of desecuritization can be weakening or extinction of facilitating conditions and additional circumstances of the political context. Second, the assumptions for securitization of the issues of Lithuanian energy sector are the features of threat presented, embedded Russian threat discourse and the role of the EU as an actor enabling to change the problematic situation. Energy dependence is presented as the main threat while implementation of energy projects makes it possible to tackle the problem and to shift the discourse of energy security towards desecuritization. Third, after the implementation of energy projects energy security is considered to be secured, the focus is on the commercial-based, not political, relations with Russia, military security is prioritized and the new energy policy goals are highlighted while ‘Nord Stream 2’ and Belorussian NPP projects are presented as threats. Fourth, the main conditions and factors affecting desecuritization are extinction of securitization conditions, intensification of Russian military threat, prioritization of military and information security and political competition. The research has revealed that the socially constructed concept of energy security may help to explain how an issue of energy sector can become a security problem, even if no real threat exists, and how it can lose its security status if securitizing actor decides to send back the issue to the political realm. The investigation of underdeveloped aspect of desecuritization has made it possible to assess the extended process of securitization and its effects on the return of the issue to the political realm and has contributed to the studies of discourse of energy security. The evaluation of the research provides some additional questions and problems for the future research like the investigation of desecuritization if it is not a process or the impact of the moral basis for the implementation of securitization and desecuritization. |