Abstract [eng] |
The Duality of China’s Strategic Culture: What is Revealed by the Changing State’s Strategic Behavior? This paper assesses whether the change in China's foreign policy and more active and aggressive behavior of the state indicates that also changed country's strategic culture. The paper provides an overview of the strategic culture‘s concept and analyzes what are the main features of China‘s traditional strategic culture. Furthermore, it is assumed that the Chinese strategic culture constructs a specific model of state‘s behavior and helps to answer the question why state behaves in certain way, while making the important strategic decisions. The research aims to explain whether the change in China's foreign policy, which has become an active and sometimes aggressive reflects the changes in China's strategic behavior. Also, by using the independent variables like the level of ambition, which is reflected in the international politics of national security, the executive influence on the decision-making process, foreign policy orientation and willingness to use military force it is analyzed whether changed and state‘s strategic culture. |