Title Prancūzai Abiejų Tautų Respublikos pertvarkyme Stanislovo Augusto valdymo laikotarpiu (1764 m1795 m.) /
Translation of Title The role played by French citizens in the reforms undertaken in the commonwealth of The Two Nations under the reign of Stanislaw August (1764–1795).
Authors Parent, Arnaud Jean Noel Joseph
ISBN 9786098183344
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Pages 260
Keywords [eng] French ; Republic of the Two Nations ; Reforms undertaken under the reign of Stanislaw August (1764-1795)
Abstract [eng] During the reign of Stanilaw August unprecedented reforms were undertaken in different domains: political institutions, military, economy, education and science. Some French citizens, with pen or personal commitment took part to these reforms. In the last decades of the 18th century, some French who established in the Republic left a lastable trace in economic and cultural domains. Their commitment had not yet been fully analized. This dissertation presents the first synthesis of the recommendations given by French thinkers as well as the achievements of those who lived in the Republic, using new materials found in different archives, giving the possibility to reassess relationship between France and the Republic in the 18th century. The main novelties of the thesis are: 1) study for the first time in the most exhaustive way the French influence in the Republic in the second half of the 18th century; 2) Present the proposals made by Mably, Rousseau, the physiocrats and other French thinkers to reform the Republic of the two Nations; 3) analyze in what extent extent their advice was put into practice and in which fields French citizens commitment was the most influential in the Republic; 4) highlight the links between France and Republic citizens in the 18th century; 5) use of new material from the archive.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018