Title О развитии письменной культуры Восточной Болгарии до 971 года /
Authors Temčinas, Sergejus
DOI 10.15388/SV.2000.23120
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Is Part of Slavistica Vilnensis.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2000, t. 49, Nr. 2, p. 61-77.. ISSN 2351-6895. eISSN 2424-6115
Abstract [eng] The history of the Eastern Bulgarian wrillen culture of 680-971 can be divided into five periods: 1) 680-864, e.g., the period of the pre-Christian Bulgarian state, with a rudimentary written tradilion in place; 2) 864--886, the point of culmination of Greek literacy in Christian Bulgaria before the arrival of Slavic bookmen expelled from Pannonia; 3) 886-893, the preparatory stage for the introduction of Church Slavonic liturgical books into official use; 4) 893-927, the reign of Tsar Symeon, when the Cyrillic alphabet was created and used as a specifically secular writing system; 5) 927-971, the reign of Tsar Peter and Tsar Boris 11, when Church Slavonic liturgical books in Eastern Bulgaria were transcribed from G1agolitic into Cyrillic (presumably in the 930's--940's).
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Russian
Publication date 2000
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