Abstract [eng] |
Christopher Columbus is a historic character, representing both – Middle Ages and Renaissance eras. The beggining of Renaissance is related to the first journey to America (or according to the original idea, to the Indies – India, itsʼ surrounding territories and islands) led by Columbus. During this jouney Columbus kept a logbook, where he wrote down his experiences day by day and the logbook becomes the object of this thesis. The aim of the thesis is to introduce different textological issues of the logbook – genre, authorship, authenticity, reliability, as well as the history of research concerned with the logbook and itsʼ changing evaluation – the researchersʼ point of view has changed from historical to culturological, textological, etc., based on different modern methodologies. The theorethical conception is based on textology, particular textological terms, defined by Paulius Subačius in his work Tekstologija: teorijos ir praktikos gairės (2001), as well as on methodological aspects of research historiography and on cultural translation methodology in translation of the logbook. The logbook of Christopher Columbusʼ first journey is one of the most important works of European written heritage, which has been left unnoticed and basically never has become a subject for discussions in Lithuanian scientific community. The logbook has never been translated into Lithuanian language, so itʼs translation as part of the thesis is one of the basic reasons to justify the paperʼs novelty. Besides, journeys, which is an important subject for a now-a-days person, and New Worldʼs experiences allows readers to compare mentality and understanding of different eras. |