Title Žiaurios, kankinančios ir žmogaus orumą žeminančios kalinimo sąlygos Europos žmogaus teisių teismo jurisprudencijoje /
Translation of Title Cruel, inhuman or degrading prison conditions in the jurisprudence of the european court of human rigts.
Authors Šanteriova, Kamilė
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Pages 64
Abstract [eng] This Master's degree paper is about European Court of Human Rights practice, in which the detention conditions and inhuman, degrading treatment are addressed. First of all, jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights concerning inhuman, torturing and degrading acts are addressed. It analysed, what is defined as inhuman, torturing and degrading acts and is a violation of European Court of Human Rights Convention. Concerned on finding what individuals and values are needed to be protected by the restrictions, how the attitude towards prisoners changed through time, in which spheres the violations of the Convention are most likely to be made, why they are made. Moreover, considering different approaches, which are related to a similar practice. Although, the paper is based on referencing European Court of Human Rights Convention, cases and their verdicts, the publications of Lithuanian scientific articles were also referenced in order to .
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018