Abstract [eng] |
The analysis of the multimodal transport as an institute of law, applicable legal regulation to multimodal transport and legal issues arising due to limitations of this legal regulation is conducted in the scientific research. Great attention in the research is devoted to examination of the scope of direct application of the international conventions of carriage of goods and direct their application to the contracts of multimodal transport. Having determined, that the conventions are applicable directly to a multimodal transport contract only if and in so far as it is stated explicitly in the convention, preconditions for the adoption of uniform legal regulation on multimodal transport and solving existing problems with the help of the principle of freedom of contract are being established. Having assessed legal instruments, potentially capable of setting out uniform legal regulation on multimodal transport and solving problems caused by lack of such regulation, the conclusion is drawn that a new international convention on multimodal transport is considered as the best for the aims described above. However, having regard to low probability of such an instrument being created and adopted soon, it is estimated that the European Union should pass an internal legal act on multimodal transport which would be applicable at regional level. |