Title Dėl Lietuvos kariuomenės kūrimo ir nepriklausomybės kovų istoriografijos /
Translation of Title On historiography of fights for independence and creation of Lithuanian army.
Authors Leščius, Vytautas
DOI 10.15388/LIS.2002.37219
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Is Part of Lietuvos istorijos studijos. 2002, t. 10, p. 34-51.. ISSN 1392-0448
Abstract [eng] Depending on political, social, cultural and other factors the historiography of the analysed period should be divided into several parts. The first period comprises the time when Bolshevism was gaining strenght, i.e. 1917-1919 events which the Lithuanian soldiers serving in the Russian army experienced. Their diverse activity was elucidated in the periodical press. A lot of published works, reminiscences and estimation of more important military, political, social events...
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2002
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