Title Литературная параллель к Пространному житию Константина-Кирилла Философа: "Бог наш - как морская глубина" (гл. 6) /
Translation of Title Textual parallel to the Vita of Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher: "Our God is like the depths of the seas" (chapter 6).
Authors Temčinas, Sergejus
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Is Part of Kalbotyra. 2002, t. 51, Nr. 2, p. 7-12.. ISSN 1392-1517
Abstract [eng] The author argues that the comparison of the Christian God to the depths of the sea, used by Constantine the Philosopher in his dispution with the Arabs (as described in chapter 6 of his Vita), goes back to the pseudo-Chrysostomian festal sermon for Holy Cross Day (14 September), and not to the homilies by Gregory of Nazianzus, as have been proposed by V. Vavrinek.
Type Journal article
Language Russian
Publication date 2002
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