Title |
The model of controlling system oriented towards increase of a company's value for medium-sized Lithuanian companies / |
Translation of Title |
Kontrolingo sistemos, orientuotos į įmonės vertės didėjimą, modelis Lietuvos vidutinėms įmonėms. |
Authors |
Tamulevičienė, Daiva |
Full Text |
Pages |
54 |
Keywords [eng] |
controlling ; controlling system ; increase of company's value ; indicators for measuring a company's value size ; medium-sized companies |
Abstract [eng] |
In the conditions of competitive market and economic globalization the increase of value has become the main managers’ objective when ensuring the needs of current and future investors However, establishment of complex management systems oriented towards the increase of a company's value and allowing to coordinate the actions of all management links as well as to select the most appropriate method and instruments was not developed. One of such systems helping to spot the problems and deal with them in an integrated manner is controlling. Controlling – as the management system ensuring increase of value – has hardly been researched by Lithuanian scientists and its application in Lithuania is minimum due to lack of awareness and understanding of this system as well as lack of evaluation of its positive impact on a company’s value growth. The aim of the thesis is to create a structural model of a controlling system for medium-sized Lithuanian companies ensuring the company's value growth in a long run and evaluate the possibilities of its application. The created controlling system model increases the possibilities of medium-sized companies to create the company‘s value in the long run because it helps to support their stability and resilience to external and internal changes, mitigate the impact of these changes to strategic and operational activity results and improve functionality and management decisions-making process of medium-sized companies. The sets of indicators systems for assessing strategic and operational activity as well as indicators for measuring a company's value size enables to objectively measure the changes of medium-sized companies' value and evaluate the efficiency of the model. |
Dissertation Institution |
Vilniaus universitetas. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
English |
Publication date |
2018 |