Title Experimental hybridisation between Aphis grossulariae and Aphis triglochinis (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae) /
Authors Rakauskas, Rimantas
DOI 10.14411/eje.2000.058
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Is Part of European journal of entomology. 2000, vol. 97, p. 377-386.. ISSN 1210-5759
Keywords [eng] Aphididae ; Aphis grossulariae ; Aphis triglochinis ; hybridisation ; systematics ; currant aphids
Abstract [eng] Aphis triglochinis and A. grossulariae clones from southern Poland produced fertile hybrid eggs under experimental conditions. Established hybrid clones expressed normal parthenogenetic reproduction but bisexual generations were obtained only in three hybrid clones out of twenty six. Fertile Fi hybrid eggs were obtained in one hybrid clone. Morphological and host-specificity features of A. grossulariae dominated in the majority of hybrid clones. The present results do not exclude the possibility of natural hybridisation of studied aphid species. Natural hybrids may be difficult to detect because of their “pure” morphological and hostspecificity features.
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2000
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