Title Opening science with institutional repository: a case study of Vilnius University Library /
Authors Kuprienė, Jūratė ; Petrauskienė, Žibutė
DOI 10.18352/lq.10217
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Is Part of LIBER Quarterly.. The Hague : Association of European Research Libraries. 2018, vol. 28, iss. 1, p. [1-24].. ISSN 1435-5205. eISSN 2213-056X
Keywords [eng] open science ; university libraries ; national repository ; metrics ; cooperation
Abstract [eng] The future strategies for opening science have become important to libraries which serve scientific institutions by providing institutional repository infrastructures and services. The Vilnius University Library provides such an infrastructure for the Vilnius University and manages services and Infrastructure of the national open access repository eLABa and the national open access data archive MIDAS. As the new platforms of these repositories began operating in the beginning of 2015, new policies and routines for organizing work with scientific publications and data had to be implemented. This meant new roles for the Library and librarians. The University Senate approved the new Regulations of the Library on June 13, 2017, with the task to develop the scholarly communication tools dedicated to sustaining open access to information and open science. Thus, the Vilnius University Library performs the leading role in opening science by providing strategic insights and solutions for the development of services dedicated to researchers, students and the public in Lithuania. As it was not presented properly at the international level before, this article presents the case of the Vilnius University Library, which actively cooperates with other Lithuanian academic institutions, works in creating and coordinating policies, conducts research on the improvements and services of eLABa and MIDAS, and suggests and implements the integral solutions for opening science.
Published The Hague : Association of European Research Libraries
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2018
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