Title Spausdinto žodžio autoritetas XIXa. Lietuvos kaime /
Translation of Title The authority of the printed word in the Lithuanian village of the XIX century.
Authors Maskuliūnienė, Džiuljeta
DOI 10.15388/Knygotyra.44.3
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Is Part of Knygotyra. 2005, t. 44, p. 50-59.. ISSN 0204-2061
Abstract [eng] Gutenberg’s revolutionary discovery contributed to the modernization and democratization processes of Western Europe. “In social respect typographic continuity of man brought nationalism, mass market, universal literacy and education”, – states M. McLuhan. Despite obvious unfavourable circumstances, which emerged in Lithuania in the 19th c. as well as in Western Europe both society and culture started to democratize. Figuratively speaking, the Enlightment epoch was dwelling in the air at the moment, where the printed word, the book phenomenon occupied a very special place. It was a new form of indirect public communication for the Lithuanian peasant, which he was destined to know, “to tame” in the course of the 19th c. [...].
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2005
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