Title Kaimiškųjų gimnazijų darbuotojų motyvavimas kuriant gerą mokyklą /
Translation of Title Motivation of Rural Gymnasium Employees Creating Good School.
Authors Juškevičienė, Rita
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Pages 86
Keywords [eng] Concept of Good school ; motivatiing employees of public sector ; motivating educators implementing changes
Abstract [eng] This master thesis seeks to reveal the situation of rural gumnasiums on the basis of educational reform in Lithuania and to analize the possibilities to motivate rural gymnasium workers implementing the concept of Good school. The methods of analyzing science literature, legislation, qualitative and quantitative resesarches pay their part to the development of public management. Especially in the area of human resource management implementing changes. The master thesis consists of two theoretical and one practical parts. The first theoretical part presents motivation theories, reveals the differences in motivation between business and public sectors, determines features of motivating emploees at the change implementation process, destinguishes features of motivating education system and rural educational institutions workers‘. Connection among strategical documents of European Union, Lithuania and conception of Good school is revealed in the second theoretical part of the thesis. On the basis of the analized theory was built an instrument later used in the implemented empirical research. The third– practical part – presents the results of the implemented research on the motivating of employees of Radviliskis region rural gymnasiums. Empirical research suggests that none of the suggested hypotheses: work in several institutions is a demotivating factor, employees who commute to work are less motivated, employees with higher qualification are more motivated, attitude to work is determined by motivation. Results of qualitative research revealed thatmotivational tools applied in Radviliskis region rural gymnasiums partly complies employees‘ needs. The engagement of the employees implementing conception of Good school is quite high.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019