Title Reminiscencijos-grafikos objektas /
Translation of Title Reminiscence-the objects of graphic art.
Authors Angilovienė, Loreta
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Pages 50
Keywords [eng] Graphic ; memory ; uptake.
Abstract [eng] Masters degree thesis „ Reminiscence - the objects of graphic arts“ is aiming to research phenomenon of remembrance, memory. In the first part, this phenomenon is researched from theoretical perspective, where the concept of memory and changes of its perception during various times is discussed. In next chapter some examples of artworks from both Lithuanian and foreign artists are analyzed, specifically those, that deal with memory and remembrance with the quest to find how this phenomenon of memory junctions in general, what is the relation between personal and collective memory. In the practical part, author’s art project „Reminiscences “are being disclosed, also its description, ideas, technical specifications, influences. All the paper is illustrated by big number of pictures.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019