Title Space-time recovery of arbitrarily shaped wave-packets by means of three dimensional imaging technique /
Authors Matijošius, Aidas ; Piskarskas, Rimtautas ; Gaižauskas, Eugenijus ; Dubietis, Audrius ; Di Trapani, Paolo
DOI 10.15388/NA.2004.9.3.15157
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Is Part of Nonlinear analysis : modelling and control. 2004, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 259-270.. ISSN 1392-5113
Keywords [eng] self-focusing ; light filament ; space-time focusing
Abstract [eng] We study numerically and experimentally self-focusing dynamics of femtosecond light pulses. By demonstrating the potential of three dimensional imaging technique for quantitative recovery of complex (arbitrarily shaped) wave packets, we monitor space-time transformation dynamics of 150-fs light pulse, which undergoes self-focusing and filamentation in water. Peculiar spatiotemporal and spectral features reveal conical nature of resulting wave-packet.
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2004
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