Title Kasinėjant 1986 metais Pajautos slėnį Kernavėje rastų odos dirbinių tyrimai /
Translation of Title Researches of Pajauta valley in Kernavė leather findings from excavations of 1986.
Authors Puškorius, Arūnas
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Is Part of Archaeologia Lituana. 2004, t. 5, p. 109-116.. ISSN 1392-6748
Abstract [eng] While archaeological leather artefacts in Lithuania are not widely investigated thus far, some scientific works devoted to these findings provide interesting, valuable information. Leather, taken off the stabile archaeological environment, becomes a good place for various micro organisms to evolve, resulting in a further deterioration of leather. Archaeological leather artefacts can be carefully investigated only in laboratory...
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2004
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