Title Между гранитной вазой и дверью дворца. Еще раз о "Летнем саде" Анны Ахматовой /
Translation of Title Between a granite vase and palace doors. Once again about the Summer garden by Anna Akhmatova.
Translation of Title Tarp granito vazos ir rūmų durų. Dar kartą apie Anos Achmatovos „Vasaros sodą“.
Authors Michailova, Galina
DOI 10.15388/Litera.2018.2.12031
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Is Part of Literatūra.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2018, t. 60, nr. 2, p. 55-67.. ISSN 1648-1143. eISSN 0258-0802
Keywords [eng] Akhmatova ; Eliot ; “Burnt Norton” ; Joyce ; “Dubliners” ; “still point” ; rose-garden ; Proust
Abstract [eng] The interpretation of the poem The Summer Garden, conducted within the context of the motives and images of Western European modernism, is not a particularly attractive theme for the scholars of Anna Akhmatova’s poetry. Meanwhile, a comparative study of the panchronic aspects found in The Summer Garden and of some texts by T. S. Eliot, D. Joyce and D. H. Lawrence helps to explain or even defy certain statements made by the researchers of Akhmatova’s creative work. This article deals with the relationship between these writing strategies utilized by the author and the phenomenon of the description of “time” in Akhmatova's poetry. In view of Akhmatova’s attraction toward Western literature (especially her interest in Eliot’s, Joyce’s and M. Proust’s works), the article proposes to introduce several philosophical and aesthetic categories and metaphors (“still point,” “rose garden,” “vase”) as instruments for the study of Akhmatova’s artistic thought. The comparison of the works of Akhmatova and the European modernists is not limited to reading The Summer Garden. Some remarks also relate to the Poem Without a Hero, one part of which has an epigraph from Eliot’s Four Quartets and is associated with the transcendence of time.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Russian
Publication date 2018