Title Заметки о "Дхармическом" теле Будды (Dharmakaya) в контексте Abhisamayalankara-prajnaparamita-upadesa-Sastra /
Translation of Title Notes on Dharma Buddha's body" (Dharmakaya) in the context of Abhisamayalankara-prajnaparamita-upadesa-Sastra.
Authors Korobov, Vladimir
DOI 10.15388/AOV.2003.18264
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Is Part of Acta Orientalia Vilnensia : Rytų kultūrų mokslinių tyrinėjimų leidinys. 2003, t. 4, p. 24-38.. ISSN 1648-2662
Abstract [eng] The paper focuses on Mahayana Buddhism conception of "Buddha's bodies" as it presented in Abhisamayalankara-prajnaparamita-upadesa-Sastra and its interpretations by different Indian and Tibetan commentators. Mahayana conception of three Buddha's bodies in its connection to five transcendental wisdoms is analyzed on the basis of traditional commentaries of different Buddhist scholars...
Type Journal article
Language Russian
Publication date 2003
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