Title Lietuvos ir Čekoslovakijos prekybos santykių reguliavimas: derybos ir susitarimai 1931-1939 metais /
Translation of Title Regulation of Lithuania and Czechoslovakia trade relations: negotiations and agreements in 1931-1939.
Authors Bukelevičiūtė, Dalia
DOI 10.15388/LIS.2004.37144
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Is Part of Lietuvos istorijos studijos. 2004, t. 14, p. 72-87.. ISSN 1392-0448
Abstract [eng] The world great economic depression had influence on Lithuanian economics only in 1931, and then in Czechoslovakia became aware of its negative results earlier. In 1931 the highest possible negative trade balance for Lithuania was a result of great economic depression and the difference between import and export of goods, i.e. 19 mln. Lt. In 1932 in Lithuania was discussed the question of balance decreasing and searching of new market for Lithuanian agriculture products in Czechoslovakia...
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2004
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