Title Atgimusios lietuviškos spaudos tradicijos Vilniuje 1904-1914 metais /
Translation of Title Traditions of the revived Lithuanian press in Vilnius in 1904-1914.
Authors Černiauskaitė, Violeta
DOI 10.15388/Knygotyra.44.8
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Is Part of Knygotyra. 2005, t. 44, p. 114-130.. ISSN 0204-2061
Abstract [eng] Traditions of the revived Lithuanian press are used to reveal the features and details of the restoration of printing Lithuanian books in Vilnius after the long time of the ban of Lithuanian press. It is stressed that as soon as Lithuanian and Polish periodicals had cherished, the production of the printing-houses in Vilnius evidently increased, the technologies became more modern, the number of the publishers, printing houses and workers there rose up. The Lithuanian publications took the important place in them. Therefore the publishing of the Lithuanian books was already developed on the basis of capacities of national printing houses before the First World War. Nearly 900 books were published in Vilnius in 1904–1914. The prevalence of the secular book was one of the most significant features of the Lithuanian press in Vilnius. The most numerous groups of publications included fiction, calendars, books for schooling, and various types of popularisation and propaganda literature. The great demand for Lithuanian newspapers had stimulated most favourable conditions for publishing books also. Round periodicals “Vilniaus žinios”, “,Viltis”, “Lietuvos žinios” and others rallied the best journalists, publicists, and writers of Lithuania. It is important to notice that most of significant Lithuanian literary works were reprints from these periodicals.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2005
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