Title The model of factors influencing the quality of e-service improvement process /
Translation of Title Elektroninių paslaugų tobulinimo proceso kokybės veiksnių modelis.
Authors Afarjanc, Edgaras
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Pages 78
Keywords [eng] e-service ; quality ; process ; quality improvement ; model of factors
Abstract [eng] In scientific literature, the issues related to the quality improvement of e-services, are solved in isolation in such fields as information technologies, public administration and management. The major focus is on the improvement of technological aspects of the quality of e-service systems. However, the research into the field of e-services management has recently emerged which tends to be based on the e-service concept analysis, the exclusion and categorization of quality criteria. Yet, it lacks the empirical research into the factors influencing the quality of e-service improvement processes and their interaction. The aim of the dissertation is to create a conceptual model of factors influencing the quality of e-service improvement process that would help in seeking a better quality in the improvement process. The research model based on scientific literature analysis sums up and systematically integrates factors influencing the quality of e- service improvement process in 4 groups: factors of service, organization, team and process. The empirical research of dissertation is executed through two stages. During the first stage (qualitative study, 10 in-depth interviews with experts), factors and e-service concept was defined. During the second stage, the main quantitative study was carried in Lithuania (N=101). The study reveals the conceptual model of factors influencing the quality of the e-service improvement process. Management decisions how to improve team form and process of e-service improvement are disclosed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2019