Title Paralelinė prekyba vaistais vidaus rinkoje: konkurencijos teisės aspektai /
Translation of Title Parallel trade of pharmaceuticals in domestic market: aspects of competition law.
Authors Kazakevičius, Rokas
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Pages 64
Abstract [eng] While parallel trade of pharmaceuticals has already been practiced for a few decades in the European Union, it was not until 2007 that it was legalized in the Republic of Lithuania (after the Rules of parallel import of pharmaceuticals took into force in the country). Today, after almost 10 years, it can be noticed that the numbers of parallel trade of pharmaceuticals in the Republic of Lithuania are relatively small compared to those in other European Union countries. In 2013, The Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania conducted an investigation on parallel import market of pharmaceuticals in the Republic of Lithuania which revealed that there are excessive provisions in the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania that restrict competition in the market of parallel trade of pharmaceuticals. Intervention of The Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania led to a change of some of the anticompetitive provisions and also catalysed growth in the field of parallel trade of pharmaceuticals. Nevertheless, there are even more provisions in the national legislations of the Republic of Lithuania that possibly restrict the parallel trade of pharmaceuticals.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017