Abstract [eng] |
Criminalistic Odourology: Concept, Significance, Theoretical and Practical Problems SUMMARY Technological development, qualitative change of life caused by the crimes committed are more professional, and criminal investigations are not always effective, not always exploited scientific and technical innovation. In order to develop specific methods and tools for forensic objects in the detection and investigation formed part of forensic science - criminal techniques and the system branches. One such forensic technical branches are criminal odourology - examining the odors, the formation mechanism of the test patterns and prepares odor trace collection, preservation and study methods and tools for the purpose of identification of the person associated with the test event. Forensic odorology although there are relatively not a new branch of forensic techniques, but there is a lack of forensic technical details of this analysis branch. The object of the final thesis. Criminal odourology concept, significance, location forensic technical system. The aim is to analyze the regulatory, scientific literature, and to reveal the forensic odoroulogy the concept and importance of investigating and uncovering criminal acts in Lithuania. The practice of application problems, the results of the evaluation features. The analysis of regulatory, scientific literature can be distinguished more Home forensic odourology characteristics, which we can name: deals with odors in the generation, procurement, research, evaluation patterns. Forensic odourology significant because the body odor traces destroyed or falsified can not, therefore, traces of perfume stores information about the investigation of the event participants. The investigation revealed that from 2010. observed a significant number of investigations carried out by odourology decline, it was influenced by social, economic, financial and other factors. Analyzing the Lithuanian Supreme Court, it found that odourology investigating professionals lack knowledge and skills, resulting in a lot of committed procedural violations. The study found that odourology findings judicial practice considered as indirect evidence that help determine the interim findings. Also Lithuanian Supreme Court odoroulogy findings time as specific evidence because the test is done using dogs, that signaling postures notes that compared scents coincide or overlap. Such findings reliability testing is complicated. |