Title Ekologinė etika: kilmė, principai, taikymas /
Translation of Title Ecological ethics: origins, principles, and application.
Authors Kalenda, Česlovas
DOI 10.15388/Problemos.2005..4068
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Is Part of Problemos. 2005, t. 68, p. 135-147.. ISSN 1392-1126. eISSN 2424-6158
Keywords [eng] moral relationship with nature ; levels of moral relations ; ethics of earth ; bioethics ; prudentia (responsibility, cautiousness)
Abstract [eng] Man's moral relationship with nature emerged in the archaic times yet in the cource of civilisation it was pushed into the margins of culture providing the status of immoral space to natural reality. Under influence of romantic naturalism, the 19th c. scholars rehabilitated nature as an esteemable object. The new ethics of 20th c. included into the sphere of moral operation all non-human beings, even nature in total. Compared to the stereotypes of traditional ethics, the need to regulate natural environment in terms of moral principles determined the formation of imperatives on another (meso and macro) scale...
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2005
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