Title Nusižudžiusiųjų artimųjų formalios psichologinės pagalbos siekimo elgsenos psichosocialiniai veiksniai /
Translation of Title Psychosocial factors of formal psychological help-seeking of individuals bereaved by suicide.
Authors Laukevičienė, Gabrielė
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Pages 62
Abstract [eng] Psychosocial factors of formal psychological help-seeking of individuals bereaved by suicide. Gabrielė Laukevičienė. Vilnius. Vilnius university. 2018. 62 pages. Psychosocial factors of formal psychological help-seeking of individuals bereaved by suicide. Gabrielė Laukevičienė. Vilnius. Vilnius university. 2018. 62 pages. Despite the fact that formal psychological help is useful for reducing distress in individuals bereaved by suicide, many of them do not seek such services. Although this problem is already known, its’ factors are still not enough examined. Therefore, this study aims to assess the relationship between possible psychosocial factors and formal psychological help-seeking of individuals bereaved by suicide. 76 adult suicide survivors (23,7% - men, 76,3% - women; the mean age of participants - 37,88), who had been mourning no longer than 2 years, were selected by using convenience sampling. The respondents were invited to participate in the study using online advertisements and collaborating with Lithuanian suicidologist (researches and practitioners) and related institutions. To conduct the research Attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help scale-Shortened form (ATSPPH-SF), Stigma scale for receiving psychological help (SSRPH), Stigmatization subscale of Grief experience questionnaire (Stigmatization subscale, GEQ) and questions related to help-seeking tendencies, sociodemographic and bereavement information from “Suicide bereavement questionnaire” were used. The study showed that suicide survivors’ formal psychological help-seeking behavior is predicted by openness to seeking treatment for emotional problems and perceived social stigma of suicide survivorship.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018