Title Individualaus nesaugumo dėl darbo ir nesaugumo klimato ryšys su darbuotojų psichologine gerove /
Translation of Title The relationship between individual job insecurity, job insecurity climate and employees' psychological well-being.
Authors Petrauskaitė, Deimantė
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Pages 79
Abstract [eng] The Relationship Between Individual Job Insecurity, Job Insecurity Climate and Employees' Psychological Well-Being This paper explores the relationship between individual job insecurity, job insecurity climate and employee well-being: mental health, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction. The study is based on the theory of self-determination and verifies the assumption that these relationships are mediated by basic need satisfaction (i.e., autonomy, competence and relatedness), therefore, the mediation analysis was conducted. Given that the phenomenon of job insecurity climate is rather new and has not been sufficiently investigated to date, the aim of the study was also to verify its relationship with the factors of well-being and with individual job insecurity in the longitudinal perspective. In total, 227 participants (64 males, 163 females) took part in this study, 54 of them repeatedly participated in the second phase of the study. The results revealed that the relationship between individual job insecurity, job insecurity climate and employee's well-being is mediated by the satisfaction of the three basic needs. In the context of job insecurity, the needs for competence and relatedness were strongly related to mental health, and the satisfaction of autonomy need was related with job satisfaction and life satisfaction. In the context of job insecurity climate, the needs for competence and relatedness were strongly related to mental health, and the satisfaction of autonomy need was related with job satisfaction. No significant cross-lagged relationships (measured with a time lag of six months) between individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate were found, however, we observed strong positive relationships between these variables when measured from cross-sectional perspective. There was no long-term relationship between job insecurity, job insecurity climate and well-being as well. The study revealed the importance of the job insecurity climate variable and its significance for the individual's well-being through the satisfaction of basic needs at work.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018