Title Sergančiųjų reumatoidiniu artritu patiriamo streso, jo įveikos strategijų ir ligos simptomų sąsajos /
Translation of Title Links between perceived stress, coping strategies and disease symptoms among rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Authors Žvinytė, Eurika
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Pages 78
Abstract [eng] This thesis aims to develop links between stress, coping strategies and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 52 females with an average age of 56.16 years (S.D.=12.39) participated in the study. Among the participants, the average duration of RA illness was 11.8 years (SD =12.39). This sample was achieved by employing a non-probay snowball sampling method. The tools implemented in the present paper were Perceived Stress Scale, Stress Coping Queastionare, Visual Analoge Scales and the Form. The findings showed that the emotional discharge strategy was associated with higher levels of perceived stress. Both, lifestyle (nutrition and alcohol consumption) and duration of RA, were linked to the severity of RA symptoms. Furthermore, stress levels were also confirmed to be significant predictor of the severity of RA and its symptoms (pain, tiredness, swollen joints). Likewise, stress levels were significant predictors of the pain and disease severity and vice versa. However, there were no dominant coping strategies identified as well as no direct relationship between coping strategies and RA severity was found.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018