Title Svarbaus asmens vaidmuo fiziniam aktyvumui ir psichologinei gerovei skirtingo amžiaus grupėse /
Translation of Title The role of important other in physical activity and psychological well-being in different age groups.
Authors Blėkaitytė, Dovilė
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] The Role of Important Other in Physical Activity and Psychological Well-Being in Different Age Groups, Dovilė Blėkaitytė, Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2018, 68 p. In this paper relationships between perceived important other’s behaviours and various motivational, behavioural, and psychological well-being aspects are analyzed in the context of physical activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of important other in physical activity and psychological well-being in different age groups. The sample consisted of 180 students and 91 individuals of age above 40 who were trying to be physically active. Perceived autonomy support and controlling behaviour from important other, basic psychological need satisfaction and thwarting, motivation for physical activity, level of physical activity, and aspects of psychological well-being were measured. Results revealed that autonomy support from important other predicts basic psychological need satisfaction. Controlling behaviour from important other predicts need thwarting. Need satisfaction predicts autonomous motivation for physical activity, which in turn predicts level of physical activity. These patterns are equivalent in both age groups. However, some differences were found in predicting aspects of psychological well-being in different age groups. Findings reveal how relationships with close important other might promote leisure physical activity in another person.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018