Title |
Naujųjų europiečių paveikslas Švedijos spaudoje. Valdžia ir solidarumas dienraščių diskusijoje apie ES plėtrą / |
Translation of Title |
Obraz nowych europejczyków w Swedzkich dziennikach. Władza i solidarność w dyskusjach prasowych na temat rozszerzenia. |
Translation of Title |
The image of new europeans in Swedish newspapers. Power and solidarity in the Swedish press debates about EU enlargement. |
Authors |
Jonkutė, Raimonda |
10.15388/RESPECTUS.2005.37663 |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Respectus philologicus. 2005, Nr. 8, p. 149-160.. ISSN 1392-8295 |
Abstract [eng] |
In the times of big social changes members of a society are anxious about their insecure future and of-ten tend to use the so called "scapegoat" strategy and treat disable people, imigrants and other minority groups negatively. Critical doscourse analysis investigates these manifestations in the texts with the help of functional gramar and its ideational aspect (Halliday) where the analysis of interaction of verb processes and participants allows to interpret the results by means of concepts "power" and "solidarity". This article focuses on the image of the country and abusing the social insurance systems in the Swedish press debate while anticipating the EU enlargement in May 2004. |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2005 |
CC license |