Title Аффрикатизация смычных согласных и палатализация /
Translation of Title Affrication of occlusive consonants and palatalization.
Authors Balšaitytė, Danutė
DOI 10.15388/RESPECTUS.2005.37657
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Is Part of Respectus philologicus. 2005, nr. 8(13), p. 87-96.. ISSN 1392-8295
Abstract [eng] The article focuses on one of the possible ways to express the distinctive feature 'hardness-softness' in Lithuanian and Russian consonants (the increase in the duration of their explosive phase), i.e. affrication of consonants. The choice of the material and the methodology of the research is determined (i) by the theoretical and practical significance of the problem of how distinctive features of phonemes are phonetically expressed in the related languages and (ii) by the fact that the influence of palatalization on the formation of the stops in Lithuanian has not been studied at large...
Type Journal article
Language Russian
Publication date 2005
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