Title Socialinių mokslų būklė ir globalizacija /
Translation of Title The status of social sciences and globalization.
Authors Gylys, Povilas
DOI 10.15388/Ekon.2005.17544
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Is Part of Ekonomika.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2005, t. 72, Nr. 2, p. 36-45.. ISSN 1392-1258. eISSN 2424-6166
Abstract [eng] Globalization and evolving knowledge society are the major fundamental challenge to the social science. Diversification of social life on the all levels of reality - individual, family, community, state, mankind - opens new opportunities and give birth to the new threats. To grasp these two - positive and negative - sides of our life the more precise, relevant cognitive means are needed. Better conceptualized, free of ideological and political influences...
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2005
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