Title Filosofija, religija, menas - hermeneutinis diskursas /
Translation of Title Filozofia, religia, sztuka - dyskurs hermeneutyczny.
Translation of Title Philosophy, religion, art as a hermeneutical discourse.
Authors Svičiulienė, Jūratė
DOI 10.15388/RESPECTUS.2006.37632
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Is Part of Respectus philologicus.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2006, Nr. 9, p. 31-37.. ISSN 1392-8295
Keywords [eng] Culturology ; Hermenutics ; Philosophy ; Religion ; Art
Abstract [eng] The article highlights the relevance of cultural studies revealing ontological links of substantive cultural phenomena. Since hermeneutic discourse is particularly popular in culturology, the main categories of W. Dilthy's "philosophy of life", which refer to his hermeneutical method, are also widely discussed. By tradition, peculiarity of philosophical thinking is based on comparison of philosophy and other cultural spheres - mythology, religion, art and science. Dilthy has the same approach, thus, his research of relations between philosophy, religion and poetical culture is the basis of this work expanding the limits of "romantic" or classical problem of interpretation and understanding. Further, a conclusion about the cohesion between philosophy, religion, art and their various forms of expression is also formulated.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2006
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