Title Мотив неуспеха в поздней публицистике Д.В. Философа /
Translation of Title Nesėkmės motyvas vėlyvojoje D.M. Filosofovo publicistikoje.
Translation of Title Motive of failure in the late publicism by d. M. Filosofov.
Authors Лавринец, Павел
DOI 10.15388/Litera.2006.2.8070
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Is Part of Literatūra.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2006, t. 48, Nr. 2, p. 74-82.. ISSN 0258-0802. eISSN 1648-1143
Abstract [eng] The known Russian critic and publicist Dmitry Filosofov (1872-1940) since 1920 lived in Warsaw and was the leader of the Russian emigrant newspapers Svoboda ("Freedom"), Za Svobodu! ("For Freedom!"), Molva ("Rumour"), magazine and the newspaper Mech ("Sword"). He wrote a large quantity of articles on the political and other themes, which are weakly studied, until now. In this paper are analyzed texts by of 1930-ies mainly published in the newspapers Molva and Mech. Specially is examined the motive of the failure, which occupied important place in the doctrine of emigrant activism. The concept of failure gave value to senseless fight against a communism and justified the personal failures of Dmitry Filosofov.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Russian
Publication date 2006
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