Title Įsisąmoninto dėmesingumo metodo poveikio galimybės muzikos pamokoje /
Translation of Title Impact of the Mindfulness Method on Activity in Music Lesson.
Authors Blanka, Donatas
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Pages 68
Keywords [eng] mindfulness ; music lesson ; mindful music lesson.
Abstract [eng] Modern society is characterized by rapid changes and abundance of innovations. All these changes and specificities are challenging for teachers and researchers. Over the past decades, increased the number of educators interested in Mindfulness-based programs for students and teachers. This thesis assumes that this method could be used in music lessons. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the possibilities of the Mindfulness method in the music lesson. For this aim tasks where raised: to reveal the theoretical aspect of the method; to reveal the peculiarities of Mindfulness in the process of the fundamental musical education of the middle childhood; to develop a model and conclusions for the application of a method. The object of the research is the possibilities of the influence of the Mindfulness method in the music lesson. The study was conducted in a private primary school with 3rd grade students. Quasi-experiment, partially structured interviews, and Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure scale (CAMM) were used to determine the potential impact. After analyzing the scientific literature, the benefits of the Mindfulness method in education have been highlighted, touch points of this method with the music lesson process and the initial content of music education were found in the context of the middle childhood characteristics. For the quasi-experiment, 4 weeks music program containing 8 lessons was prepared. It was based on research and expert advice. After completing this experiment and summarizing the responses of pupils, teacher interviews and CAMM test results, it can be said that the Mindfulness method has a positive impact on pupils in music lessons. During this music lesson cycle, children easily got involved in Mindfulness music lesson activities, strengthened their abilities both in listening, singing, and playing together, revealing their creativity in the arts, spreading the spectrum of musical experiences, learning to listen, perceive and feel emotions emerging while listening to music, deepening a more meaningful relationship with music and fostering performance. In addition, children, along with the class teacher, have noted positive changes in self-awareness, motivation and concentration, in the understanding of others, and in mutual relationships.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019