Title Life-threatening experiences, posttraumatic stress disorder, and adaptation in Lithuanian men 17 years after military service in Afganistan and the USSR /
Translation of Title Lietuvos vyrų trauminis patyrimas, potrauminio streso sutrikimas ir adaptacija praėjus 17 metų po karinės tarnybos Afganistane ir Sovietų Sąjungoje.
Authors Domanskaitė Gota, Vėjūnė ; Kazlauskas, Evaldas ; Gailienė, Danutė
DOI 10.15388/Psichol.2006..4284
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Is Part of Psichologija.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2006, t. 34, p. 57-68.. ISSN 1392-0359. eISSN 2345-0061
Keywords [eng] PTSD ; traumatic events ; adaptation ; Lithuanian Afghanistan war veterans
Abstract [eng] A sample of 268 Lithuanian men who served in the Soviet Army in 1979–1989 was investigated on the average 17 years after the service; the questionnaire was completed focusing on life-threatening experience, posttraumatic stress reactions, and adaptation variables. The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder was 30% in the group of the men who served in Afghanistan and 2% in the group of the men who served in various places of the USSR. Lithuanian Afghanistan war veterans experienced significantly more service-related and non-service-related traumatic events and conditions, and their adaptation after the service and nowadays were poorer than in the men who served in the USSR. Life-threatening experience, PTSD and adaptation were correlated in both groups.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2006
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