Title Kokybės vadybos ir žinių vadybos integracija organizacijos konkurencingumo didinimui /
Translation of Title Integration of Quality Management and Knowledge Management to Increase Competitiveness of Organization.
Authors Silius, Darius
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Pages 67
Keywords [eng] quality management ; quality management system ; knowledge management ; integration ; competitiveness.
Abstract [eng] The MA thesis investigates the integration of quality management and knowledge management with the aim to increase competitiveness of an organization. The goal of thesis is to identify the key elements of knowledge management system that influence the improvement of quality management system while increasing the competitiveness of an organization. To achieve this goal, the following objectives are designed: to reveal benefits of quality management systems in accord to ISO 9001 for successfully managing organizational processes; to analyze the importance of knowledge management for the competitiveness of an organization; to reveal the integrity of quality management systems and knowledge management; to assess the possibilities arising from integration of knowledge management into the quality management system in an attempt to increase the competitiveness of organization. The object of the thesis is the integrity of quality management and knowledge management. Thesis consist of: 67 p. without annexes, 8 pictures, 13 tables, 96 bibliographical entries. MA thesis consists of introduction, theoretical, methodological and empirical parts, the consideration and discussion of research results, conclusions, and recommendations. Four annexes are included in the paper. There are 99 scholarly sources used in this paper.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019