Title |
Drungno kraujo kardioplegijos įvertinimas atliekant trijų vožtuvų korekcijos operacijas / |
Translation of Title |
Evaluation of tepid blood cardioplegia in three heart valve surgical correction. |
Authors |
Turkevičius, Gintaras ; Stankevič, Stanislovas ; Grebelis, Arimantas ; Čypienė, Rasa Joana ; Semėnienė, Palmyra |
10.15388/LietChirur.2007.3.2203 |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Lietuvos chirurgija. 2007, t. 5, Nr. 3, p. 338-340.. ISSN 1392-0995 |
Abstract [eng] |
Objective: Analysis of myocardial protection technique for triple valve surgery was performed. Patients and methods: Fifty-eight NYHA III-IV F.cl patients, mean age 66 years, were the investigated. All the patients were divided into two groups. Continuous retrograde tepid blood cardioplegia was used in group I patients (19) and antegrade intermittent tepid blood cardioplegia in 39 patients (group II). Aorta cross-clamp time was 93 ± 5 min. After declamping the aorta, the following criteria were analysed: heart rhythm self-restoration, time to ECG normalization and time from declamping the aorta till weaning from CPB (reperfusion), epinephrine doses after surgery, left ventricle ejection fraction before and after procedure. Results: Fifty-four patients survived and 4 patients died after surgery. The causes of death were: 1 - postoperative brain damage, 2 -multiorgan failure, 1 - severe heart failure. Postoperative heart function was better preserved in group II of the patients. Conclusion: Both type of cardioplegia are suitable for triple valve surgery. A slight improvement of hemodynamic data was noted when intermittent tepid blood cardioplegia was used. |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2007 |
CC license |