Title Pacientų atranka širdies transplantacijai: šiuolaikiniai kriterijai /
Translation of Title Evaluation at selection of patients for heart transplantation: current criteria.
Authors Maneikienė, Vytė Valerija ; Čelutkienė, Jelena ; Žemaitaitytė, Gitana ; Ručinskas, Kęstutis ; Miniauskas, Saulius ; Čibiras, Sigitas Vladas ; Sirvydis, Vytautas-Jonas ; Laucevičius, Aleksandras
DOI 10.15388/LietChirur.2007.3.2181
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Is Part of Lietuvos chirurgija. 2007, t. 5, Nr. 3, p. 207-211.. ISSN 1392-0995
Abstract [eng] Heart transplantations at Vilnius University Heart Surgery Centre have been performed since 1987. During all this period, 268 patients were included into the recipients' list and 47 heart transplantations were performed. The current medical, electrophy-siological and surgical methods have obviously increased the survival of patients who are waiting for heart transplantation. However, heart transplantation is still the most effective method in the end-stage heart failure. In recent years, the new diagnostic methods (spiroergometry, NT-pro-BNP) implemented at Vilnius University Heart Surgery Center enable using current selection criteria in practice. In the article, according to a literature review, all the basic criteria of evaluating and selecting recipients for heart transplantation mentioned above are used at our Center.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007
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