Title Naujagimių įgimtų širdies ydų chirurgija: Vilniaus universiteto Širdies chirurgijos centro patirtis /
Translation of Title Corrective surgery of congenital heart defects: experience of Vilnius University Heart Surgery Centre.
Authors Lebetkevičius, Virgilijus ; Tarutis, Virgilijus ; Sudikienė, Rita ; Liekienė, Daina ; Lankutis, Kęstutis ; Nogienė, Giedrė ; Žilinskas, Vidmantas-Jonas ; Sirvydis, Vytautas-Jonas ; Versockas, Kęstutis ; Jurgelienė, Žydrė ; Bliūdžiūtė, Asta
DOI 10.15388/LietChirur.2007.3.2209
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Is Part of Lietuvos chirurgija. 2007, t. 5, Nr. 3, p. 371-374.. ISSN 1392-0995
Keywords [eng] congenital heart diseases ; cardiosurgery ; neonates
Abstract [eng] Objective: To access the outcome and mortality trend in newborns undergoing corrective surgery for congenital heart defect. Methods: We reviewed the hospital records on 307 neonates under 30 days of life, who had congenital heart defects operated on at the Heart Surgery Center of Vilnius University, Lithuania, in 1994 through 2006. Early and late mortality results were analyzed. Results: From January 1974 to 2006, 307 neonates with congenital heart disease underwent surgical repair at Heart Surgery Clinic of Vilnius University. It came to 6.1% of all 5066 procedures of the congenital heart diseases performed. The number of neonate operations considerably increased in the later years, because a special department with proper technique was established. 144 neonates underwent surgery repair with cardiopulmonary bypass and 163 neonates were operated on without cardiopulmonary bypass. The mean age of the patients was 11.8 ± 0.28 days. There were 113 girls and 194 boys. Conclusions: Mortality from 71% in 1991-1995 dropped to 38% in 2001-2006 and 22% in 2006.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007
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