Title Lower bounds for DeMorgan circuits of bounded negation width /
Authors Jukna, Stasys ; Lingas, Andrej
DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2019.41
ISBN 9783959771009
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Is Part of 36th International symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science (STACS 2019), March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany / Editors: Rolf Niedermeier and Christophe Paul.. Wadern : Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, 2019. art. no. 41, p. [1-17].. ISBN 9783959771009
Keywords [eng] Boolean circuits ; monotone circuits ; lower bounds ; negation
Abstract [eng] We consider Boolean circuits over {or, and, neg} with negations applied only to input variables. To measure the "amount of negation" in such circuits, we introduce the concept of their "negation width". In particular, a circuit computing a monotone Boolean function f(x_1,...,x_n) has negation width w if no nonzero term produced (purely syntactically) by the circuit contains more than w distinct negated variables. Circuits of negation width w=0 are equivalent to monotone Boolean circuits, while those of negation width w=n have no restrictions. Our motivation is that already circuits of moderate negation width w=n^{epsilon} for an arbitrarily small constant epsilon>0 can be even exponentially stronger than monotone circuits. We show that the size of any circuit of negation width w computing f is roughly at least the minimum size of a monotone circuit computing f divided by K=min{w^m,m^w}, where m is the maximum length of a prime implicant of f. We also show that the depth of any circuit of negation width w computing f is roughly at least the minimum depth of a monotone circuit computing f minus log K. Finally, we show that formulas of bounded negation width can be balanced to achieve a logarithmic (in their size) depth without increasing their negation width.
Published Wadern : Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, 2019
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2019
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