Title KGB kova su antisovietinėmis apraiškomis Lietuvoje ir išeivijoje: žmonių kompromitavimas /
Translation of Title KGB struggle with antisoviet manifestation in Lithuania and abroad: people's discreditation.
Authors Burinskaitė, Kristina
DOI 10.15388/LIS.2007.37037
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Is Part of Lietuvos istorijos studijos. 2007, t. 19, p. 113-123.. ISSN 1392-0448
Abstract [eng] The biggest discreditation actions were carried against the biggest critics of Soviet systems - Lithuanian Catholic Church, dissidents, fighters for human rights and liberties, emigration's organization and most active persons. Discreditation method was efficient just partly, because KGB did not reach the main target - to make oposition end their antisoviet activity, although they overshadowed their good name, moral and activity.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007
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