Title Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės regioniniai valdžios elitai: Smolensko, Polocko ir Vitebsko žemių atvejai (1392–1579 m.) /
Translation of Title The Grand Duchy of Lithuania’s Regional Ruling Elites: the Cases of the Lands of Smolensk, Polotsk and Vitebsk (1392–1579).
Authors Jurkevičius, Andrius
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Pages 608
Keywords [eng] Smolensk ; Polotsk ; Vitebsk ; ruling elites
Abstract [eng] The object of this dissertation – the Lands’ of Smolensk, Polotsk and Vitebsk officials’ strata and posts systems formation process in 1392–1579, the similarities and differences of this process in all three regions. The aim is to find out how the Lands’ of Smolensk, Polotsk and Vitebsk ruling elites and posts systems had been forming in 1392–1579, what kind of similarities and differences of this process had been in all three regions. The tasks are to define the boundaries of the regions, to emphasize the evolution tendencies of the main administrative centres and territorial units which were administered by the local officials, to discuss the posts’ origin, the officials’ prerogatives, nomination procedure, personalities and career features.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019