Title Vakarų Europa XVI a. antrosios pusės – XVIII a. Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kelionių raštijoje /
Translation of Title Western Europe in the second half of the 16th – 18th century travel writing of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Authors Kvizikevičiūtė, Milda
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Pages 262
Keywords [eng] Grand Duchy of Lithuania ; travel writing ; early modern travel writing
Abstract [eng] The experience of the second half of the 16th–18th century travellers from the GDL when travelling to Western Europe as recorded in travel writing is analysed in the dissertation. Such an approach allows analysing both individual and collective experience of these travellers as well as the development of the later in the period analysed. Western countries are the focal point of this dissertation, in particular the Holy Roman Empire and the Papal States, less often – territories of the Netherlands, France and Spain (Naples). Great interest of this research was to take into account travellers’ age, social standing and type of travel, as well as the potential effect these factors may have had on travel writing. The aim is to analyse the destinations and routes described by travellers from the GDL, to determine how travellers from the GDL followed and recorded the travel process. The focal point of this dissertation was to analyse descriptions of the natural and urban environment in travel writing developed. The development of the image of Rome and Naples, cities most commonly referred to in travel accounts was analysed in detail. Three maps illustrating travel destinations and travel routes in Western Europe and Italy supplement the research work.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019