Title Lietuvos politinių partijų požiūris į Lenkiją 1920-1926 metais: nuo modus vivendi paieškų iki nuolatinės konfrontacijos /
Translation of Title The position of Lithuanian parties towards Poland in 1920-1926: from modus vivendi to permanent confrontation.
Authors Grodis, Andrius
DOI 10.15388/LIS.2008.37017
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Is Part of Lietuvos istorijos studijos. 2008, t. 21, p. 37-57.. ISSN 1392-0448
Abstract [eng] The political parties' goal to use the problem of relationship with Poland in the fight and in such a way obtain as great support from society as possible, reduced the possibilities to solve interstate conflict to even higher extent. As Copenhagen negotiations in 1925 autumn illustrated, Christian Democrats' attempt to reduce the tension between two small countries by starting economic relations of narrow nature was accepted with strong hostility by opposing Union of Peasants and National Unit Parties as well as by the majority of society supporting them. However the attitude of Christian Democrats that it is possible to launch economic relationships with Poland and Social Democrats' belief that it is even crucial to do that which were regarded as a first step in resuming Vilnius in fact reflected that the leaders of the parties had enough rational reasoning as well as mature attitude to international relations. Unsuccessful attempts to regulate the conflict with Poland in a pacific way and to regain the historical capital made the leaders of state's political parties choose the state of permanent confrontation with Poland and to seek support in order to ensure safe existence of the state in the Soviet Union and Germany.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008
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