Title Computational modeling of the electrochemical system of lipase activity detection /
Authors Puida, Mantas ; Ivanauskas, Feliksas ; Ignatjev, Ilja ; ValinĨius, Gintaras ; Razumas, Valdemaras
DOI 10.3390/s8063873
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Is Part of Sensors. 2008, vol. 8, no. 6, p. 3873-3879.. ISSN 1424-8220
Keywords [eng] amperometric biosensor ; lipase activity ; ferrocene-based substrate ; modeling ; simulation
Abstract [eng] This paper presents computational modeling of response kinetics of bioelectroanalytical system based on solid supported lipase substrate and lipase interaction. The model assumes that lipase substrate is formed by dripping and drying a small amount of the ethanol solution of 9-(5'-ferrocenylpentanoyloxy) nonyl disulfide (FPONDS) and that lipase is capable of cleaving FPONDS ester bonds via hydrolysis mechanism. Two mathematical models have been developed and evaluated trough computational simulation series by comparing them to experimental data. The results of simulation demonstrate that a good fitting might be obtained only taking into account non-linear substrate wash off process.
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2008