Title Streso darbe ekonominis kontekstas /
Authors Kulvinskienė, Violeta Raimonda ; Bandzienė, Agnė
DOI 10.15388/Ekon.2008.17660
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Is Part of Ekonomika. 2008, t. 82, p. 75-90.. ISSN 1392-1258
Abstract [eng] Longer service causes a higher stress level until a fixed stage, and later the work-related stress level remains the same. Analysis of work-related stress outcomes done in the second research stage showed a strong negative correlation between work-related stress level and sickleaves. A higher work-related stress level causes a bigger employees’ turnover, but no clear correlation was found. The aim of the third stage of the research was to find out managers’ view on stress, their beliefs about stress interventions by using the P. Dewe and M. O’Driscoll questionnaire (a sample of 34 managers). The five strategies most commonly reported as being used in organizations were those that could be described as the best practice of human resource techniques. They were communication and information sharing, clear goal and role descriptions, performance evaluation and feedback, social support and job autonomy. Stress interventions were evaluated mainly as average effective. These results show, that organizations have chosen right strategies, just they have to use them more effectively and start implemening not so widely used strategies, such as stress management training, management style changes, EAP. To reduce work-related stress, for Lithuanian organizations it is recommended to create work-related stress management policy and procedures, to improve communication, to define clear goals and roles, to organize stress management training for managers, periodically survey employees’ opinion.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008
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