Title Lietuvos vaizd(avim)as šiuolaikiniuose Rusijos istorijos vadovėliuose /
Translation of Title Lithuania's image in modern history schoolbooks of Russia.
Authors Šepetys, Nerijus
DOI 10.15388/LIS.2008.36981
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Is Part of Lietuvos istorijos studijos. 2008, t. 22, p. 144-162.. ISSN 1392-0448
Abstract [eng] Overall, these schoolbooks comprehends a wide variety of material concerning the "Lithuanian question": objective and unfair exposition of major factual data, conscious and unconscious veilings, multiperspective and one-sided interpretations, neutral and subtle misrepresentations. However, all these problems related with the Lithuanian history are equally characteristic to the representation of Russian history itself. Frequently Russia is being perceived as a historically static and invariable "value". Most of the schoolbooks lack conceptuality, and this shortage is being (consciously or unconsciously) counterbalanced with mythical and ideological "le- ading ideas", such as political messianism, deterministic apologetics and nationalism of a superstate. These assumptions, conditioned by peculiar outlook and sometimes reinforced with up-to-date principals of politics of history, determine all veiling and sophistications when the matter concerns Lithuanian history.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008
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